Squadron Aircraft: Summary Information


Listed below is the information available for this aircraft which served in 550 Squadron.

Aircraft Details: The column headers should be fairly self-explanatory. The final column (Web links) contains, where given, links to other items on this web-site or indeed to external sources where further information or photographs, etc can be found.

Associated Aircrew: This is the list of servicemen known to have flown on this aircraft at some time or other, it is not a particular crew (that can be found on other lists available on the site such as the crew shown on a specific operation, etc).

Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.

In compiling these lists particular thanks are due, as listed below, to sites without which it would have been next to impossible to put the information together. Many thanks to the providers of these pages whose work is gratefully acknowledged.

Aircraft Details

Aircraft Details Associated Aircrew
Id Service Number Name No. of Ops BQ-Code Other Information Web Links Name
L2 PB707 - - BQ-L2 SOC 21 May 1947
In places ORB has this as PD707 (L2).
- F/O J A Beale
F/L A W Browne
F/L E H Luder
F/Lt J Ward
F/L E G Fleming
F/Sgt G F Groom
F/Sgt K W Derwent
F/Sgt A R Morgan
Sgt J Ward
Sgt A Colin
Sgt W L Howell
F/O D H Grundy
W/O E W King
P/O R T Sowter
W/O R C McLauchlan
F/Sgt L F Figg
Sgt E C Jarvis
Sgt E J MacKenzie
Sgt Matthews
F/O A F Geen
F/O G C Glover
F/Sgt R A Spearing
Sgt MacKenzie
F/Sgt J L McKeown
W/O R E Vietheer
P/O J S Percival
Sgt E W Ward
F/Sgt S E Whyte
Sgt N R Knipton
Sgt C J Nileman
Sgt I Rees
F/O S D Thompson
Sgt R A Wilson
F/O J C Thorpe
F/O W K Campbell
Sgt F Roberts
Sgt W Cranfield
Sgt K Haub
P/O J Lukies
Sgt W K Oldham
F/Sgt L W Pfitzner
F/Sgt R W Caples
F/Sgt J W Foran
P/O H K Johnson
Sgt J M Craine
F/Sgt W J Broom
F/O E G Smith
F/Sgt W B Reid
F/O C G Hetherington
Sgt J Regan
Sgt S Sorsby
P/O R H Digby
Sgt J H Walker
F/O A E Lewis
Sgt A E McLeod
Sgt D Crabtree
Sgt J L Perrigo
Sgt R D Hager
F/L F J Mitchell
W/O N J Horsley
Sgt M H Levy
F/O B A Hulse
Sgt D J Bailey
F/Sgt A W W Coltman
Sgt R B Nicholson
Sgt F W Woodley
F/Sgt J H Vance
Sgt J S Kennedy
Sgt R J Lester
Sgt R J Harris
Sgt D H Hope
Sgt A M Gardner
Sgt R A Stockwell
F/O G H Markes
Sgt K J Brotherhood
F/Sgt F W L Mann
Sgt V T Wilkes
Sgt F N M Petch
Sgt L G Buckell
Sgt D J Driscoll
P/O R M Harris
Sgt D A Dryburgh
F/Sgt E Shelley
F/O G E Dunkley
Sgt B G Hooker
Sgt E J Hill
F/Sgt D Laurie
F/O L S Johnston
Sgt B C Terry
F/O A C Armstrong
F/O J L Oke
Sgt J Jones
Sgt C B Gadsby
Sgt J A Wilson
W/O F H Hansen
Sgt E G Bowman
F/O E H Jones
F/Sgt D M McDonnell
Sgt R G Furness
Sgt H Jordan
F/Sgt E Ashley

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The details were last updated: 07 February 2025

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