Squadron Aircraft: Summary Information


Listed below is the information available for this aircraft which served in 550 Squadron.

Aircraft Details: The column headers should be fairly self-explanatory. The final column (Web links) contains, where given, links to other items on this web-site or indeed to external sources where further information or photographs, etc can be found.

Associated Aircrew: This is the list of servicemen known to have flown on this aircraft at some time or other, it is not a particular crew (that can be found on other lists available on the site such as the crew shown on a specific operation, etc).

Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.

In compiling these lists particular thanks are due, as listed below, to sites without which it would have been next to impossible to put the information together. Many thanks to the providers of these pages whose work is gratefully acknowledged.

Aircraft Details

Aircraft Details Associated Aircrew
Id Service Number Name No. of Ops BQ-Code Other Information Web Links Name
O DV305 - - BQ-O Wrecked 31 Jan 1944, Berlin.
One of two No.550 Sqdn Lancasters lost on this operation. See also ND396.
Badly shot up by night-fighters while in target area, whose cannon fire killed both air gunners; the air bomber bailed out by mistake in the confusion.
Flying without any navigation aids, landed at Woodbridge Emergency Airfield in Suffolk damaged beyond repair.
Crew: the two air-gunners killed by night-fighter fire, 1 PoW (baled out, Camp L3, PoW No.3399), remainder survived.
As a result of his actions pilot F/O Morrison received a DSO.

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DV305 assessed as Cat. E1 (written off but suitable for component recovery) 31/1/44, struck off charge 21/2/44. Information taken from Form 78 Aircraft Movement cards, online at lancasterbombers.net

F/O G A Morrison
W/O T E Boyle
P/O C G H Kenyon
F/L J O Richard
F/O P C Sharp
F/Sgt W R J Maroney
F/O J G Bryson
Sgt D F Fadden
Sgt T F M Roxby
F/Sgt P H Evans
Sgt J E Donnan
Sgt J J Sawkins
Sgt W C Gundry
Sgt P W Wise
F/O F W Bennett
F/O R Warren
Sgt H C Gilbert
Sgt J M Cantor
Sgt J McKenzie
F/Sgt J N Ellis
F/Sgt G E Duncan
Sgt G K Logan
Sgt L M Collicutt
Sgt A G Day
Sgt R W Scott
F/Sgt W G Rate
Sgt T J Connaghan
Sgt W J Carthew
W/Cdr J J Bennett

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The details were last updated: 07 February 2025

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