There follows below lists of the officers and men who served in 550 Squadron. The information used to build this page was taken in the first instance from the lists provided on the original Squadron Association web-site, but have been augmented by new and additional information gathered since that time.
This information is not yet complete: it has been build from the Roll of Honour, Decorations and Senior Officer lists, and then by working through other available records. So please don't shout just yet if you spot an omission - work continues to build a more complete, and accurate, list.
Do however shout if you spot an error! Please email any corrections or information to the contact details in the link at the bottom of the page.
Serviceman Details: The column headers should be fairly self-explanatory. The final column (Web links) contains, where given, links to other items on this web-site or indeed to external sources where further information or photographs, etc can be found.
Aircraft: When a link to a particular aircraft is given, this only indicates aircraft it is known the crewman was associated with (such as when flight logs are available or the aircraft has failed to return from an operation). It does not exclude the fact that the crewman may well have flown on other aircraft too, that is either just not documented in the currently available records or simply not known to the author. The aircraft links will take you to the operations listed for that aircraft.
Note that the vast bulk of the information available about squadron servicemen presented below concerns air-crew; almost no information is available about the men, and women, of the technical and other ground crews who played their part in making the squadron an effective fighting unit. This is a shame, given the key role they played in keeping the aircraft in the air and the men flying them able to do their job. So if you have ground-crew information do please send it in so that it too can be included in the squadron record.
Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.
Serviceman Details | Aircraft | Rank | Initials (First Name) |
Last Name | Decorations | Service | Service No. | Role | Flight | Other Information | Links | FTR? | Date | Service Number |
F/Sgt | L A (Leonard Anthony) |
Aitken | RAAF | A.436232 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 15.10.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 Both Aitkin/Aitken in ORB |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOWHTolman/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 |
F/Sgt | J W (Jeffrey Watson) |
Arnold | RAAF | A.418620 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 14.9.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 1656 C.U. w.e.f. 28-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FODWSummons/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-group.php#BFlight |
- | - |
LL831 ME301 Ng221 NG287 PD313 RF135 |
W/O | G (George) |
Aylmore | RAAF | A.415851 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 150 Sqdn w.e.f. 7th Nov 1944 See BBC article from Feb. 2004 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOJGroves/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 NG243 |
F/Sgt | C W (Clarence Walter) |
Beckingham | RAAF | A.422381 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue85 http:/php-library/mysql-utils/reports/rpt_squadron_newsletters.php#Issue83 /pages/remembrance-sunday-2012.php |
KIA | 14 Oct. 1944 |
ED905 EE193 ND972 PA991 PB532 PD313 PD319 |
F/Sgt | H J (Harley Joseph) |
Bickerstaff | RAAF | A.424951 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtCRRScott/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | R G (Robert George) |
Bickford | RAAF | A.437249 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Catterick w.e.f. 2-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJHarris/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 LL748 LL811 NF998 NG251 PB532 PD320 |
F/Sgt | R (Roy) |
Blows | RAAF | A.424954 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 (1919-1999) Born in Acton, moved to Australia with his parents and two older brothers in 1922. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POERCathcart/Images/IBCC_4110.jpg /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | P J (Philip Jack) |
Borton | RAAF | A.429142 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted to R.A.F. Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOKingsmill/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | R C (Roland Claude) |
Bowling | RAAF | A434145 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 11 Base w.e.f. 27.9.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOFEBond/index.php |
- | - |
ED905 EE139 PD320 |
F/Sgt | N F L (Norman Frederick Lester) |
Bricknell | RAAF | A.424015 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.73 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtShepherd/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | R E (Robert Edwards) |
Brock | RAAF | A.37054 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 6.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtVRLJohnson/index.php /pages/550-sqdn-photos-miscellaneous.php#MiscellaneousNonNK |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | Brotherhood | RAAF | A.422381 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. w.e.f. 13.08.44 (with F/O Dodds crew, but never flew any ops with this crew) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHDodds/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/O | G T (Gordon Todrick) |
Brown | RAAF | A.417798 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. on 15.7.44 Posted from 550 Sqdn to 582 Sqdn w.e.f. 17.9.44 Joined 550 Sqdn Jul 44, posted to a Pathfinders Sqdn Sept 44 [Ed: ORB records initials G P but other sources (e.g. Australian War Memorial) noted G T for service number A.417798. DFC listed in London Gazette 17th July 1945.] |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOHGManley/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image020.jpg |
- | - |
EE139 EE193 LM182 ME583 ND972 PD221 |
F/Sgt | R J (Robert James) |
Chester | RAAF | A.1702 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FORPFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
LM273 ME519 NG246 NG250 NG287 PA995 PD221 |
F/Sgt | F A (Francis Albert) |
Coombes | RAAF | A.425125 | W/Op | C |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderJCSarll/index.php |
- | - |
ME542 NG243 |
F/Sgt | J A (John Andrew) |
Cromie | RAAF | A.410635 | W/Op | - | Cromie to 550 Sqdn (25/11/43) on Sqdn start-up from 100 Sqdn Interned in Camp 4B, PoW No.267499 Believed blown clear of the exploding Lancaster as he could not recall bailing out. NB: The 460 Sqdn ORB shows Collier transferring from 460 Sqdn to 550 Sqdn on 25.11.43. More details on the crew page. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WOATSCollier/index.php |
PoW | 2/3 Dec. 1943 |
LM301 |
W/O | R J |
Davies | RAAF | A.421263 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 103 Sqdn w.e.f. 8.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtLDale/index.php |
- | - |
NG132 NG250 |
F/O | L W |
Denton | RAAF | A.415786 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 100 Sqdn w.e.f 25/11/43 (on squadron start-up) (Gunner "S") Posted to 27 O.T.U. on 14.5.44 (on completion of first tour) |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtABCraig/index.php |
- | - |
DV176 ED942 JA934 LM425 LM460 |
F/Sgt | G E |
Duncan | RAAF | A/410656 | W/Op | - | Posted to the Squadron w.e.f 10/12/43 from 1667 Con. Unit. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POCGHKenyon/index.php |
- | - |
DV192 DV279 DV305 ED536 EE139 ME581 |
F/Sgt | D |
Evans | RAAF | A.437087 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtKFWilson/index.php |
- | - |
PD382 |
F/Sgt | F G |
Ferguson | RAAF | A.419893 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS on 16.7.44 26 Aug 1944 W5005 (Nan), ditched in Humber - no injuries Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C Brackla, w.e.f 2-1-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtRHopman/index.php /original-site-archive/lib/image014.jpg |
Surv. | 26 Aug 1944 |
DV200 EE139 LL831 LM273 ME776 PB532 PD225 W5005 |
F/Sgt | J W (John William Thomas) |
Foran | RAAF | A.423528 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 71 Base w.e.f. 6.2.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F Station Gamston, w.e.f 26.6.1945 | /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJLukies/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 ME301 ND972 NF931 NG120 NG132 NG243 NG250 PB707 |
F/Sgt | M |
Gillespie | RAAF | A.38732 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1668 C.U. w.e.f. 16.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJEFranklyn/index.php |
- | - |
NG246 NG287 NG336 |
W/O | J M |
Gorton | RAAF | A.425602 | W/Op | - | Posted from 550 Sqdn to No. 12 O.T.U. w.e.f. 27-3-45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCGKEdlund/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/WingCmdrBryanBell/index.php |
- | - |
LM228 NG135 RF135 |
F/O | J H (John) |
Graham | RAAF | A.415474 | W/Op | - | Posted from No. 27 Con Unit w.e.f. 4.12.44 From Perth & Esperace WA deceased December 2011 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/SqdnLeaderEdgarPickles/index.php |
- | - |
NG165 NG250 NG289 NN715 PB864 PD221 |
F/Sgt | L T (Leonard Thomas) |
Haines | RAAF | A.430619 | W/Op | - | From No.75 Base w.e.f. 7.5.45 Posted to RAF Station, Gamston w.e.f. 25.6.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POELFleming/index.php |
- | - | - | |
F/Sgt | J B (James Byrne) |
Lake | RAAF | 424904 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S w.e.f. 16/7/1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJHough/index.php |
KIA | 15 Aug 1944 |
LL831 ME583 PA991 PD208 |
W/O | K H |
Langley | RAAF | A.417205 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 625 Sqdn w.e.f. 8/11/44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOLADoward/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOESAllen/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOCJJones/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM273 NF932 |
F/Sgt | W |
Magee | RAAF | A.421996 | W/Op | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
F/Sgt | D M (Denys) |
McDonnell | RAAF | A.430686 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 Base w.e.f. 20.10.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtEHLuder/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 LM182 ND972 NF932 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG221 NG234 NG289 PA268 PB320 PB707 |
F/Sgt | A S (Arthur Stuart) |
Parsons | RAAF | A.434266 | W/Op | - | - |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POPCSiddall/index.php |
KIA | 31 Aug 1944 |
NF962 |
Sgt | F N M (Francis "Frankie") |
Petch | RAAF | A.419537 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S. wef. 31.8.44 Posted to No. 150 Sqdn on 7th November 1944 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGHMarkes/index.php,2490 |
- | - |
LL831 ME776 NG120 NG132 NG135 NG153 PB707 |
F/Sgt | J W (John William) |
Pidcock | RAAF | A.424678 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 LFS w.e.f. 13/08/44. Posted from 550 Sqdn to A.C.A.C. Catterick w.e.f 13.4.45 Date of discharge: 06/09/45 From NSW. |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOADYoung/index.php |
- | - |
ED320 LL748 LL811 LL831 ME583 ME776 NG135 NG246 NN715 PB514 PB532 PD255 PD313 |
F/Sgt | W G (William George (Bill)) |
Rate | RAAF | A.415827 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn on squadron start-up from 100 Sqdn "C" Flight Tour expired crew: posted to 27 O.T.U on 10.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJORichard/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOEVSage/index.php /documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/POGWHinde/index.php |
- | - |
DV305 ED536 LL747 LL837 |
Sgt | F |
Roberts | RAAF | A.419539 | W/Op | - | Posted to 1651 C.U. w.e.f. 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOSDThompson/index.php |
- | - |
LM182 LM228 NG120 NG132 NG134 NG243 NN715 PB707 |
F/Sgt | K |
Robinson | RAAF | A.436163 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from 1668 CU w.e.f 6.11.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtDRParsons/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 ND972 NG165 NG250 NG363 PB532 PB832 PB843 PB864 PD313 RF135 |
F/Sgt | Rodgers | RAAF | A.430507 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.75 Base w.e.f. 12.5.45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to RAF Station Gamston w.e.f 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtWall/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
F/Sgt | Sadd | RAAF | A.434023 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from RAF Bottesford w.e.f 13/04/45 Posted from 550 Sqdn to R.A.F. Station, Gamston, w.e.f. 26.6.1945 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FSgtJADexter/index.php |
- | - |
ME776 |
F/Sgt | Smith | RAAF | A.424687 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No.71 Base w.e.f. 18.5.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FlLtWalters/index.php |
- | - | - | ||
W/O | W Y (Warwick Yule) |
Smith | RAAF | A.420085 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 1 L.F.S on 7.6.44 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOJCHutcheson/index.php |
- | - |
EE139 |
F/Sgt | S E |
Willis | RAAF | A.430114 | W/Op | - | Posted to 550 Sqdn from No. 11 base w.e.f. 20.10.44 Posted to 1651 C.U. w.e.f 31.3.45 |
/documents/public/Lancasters-Crews/FOGGHCowper/index.php |
- | - |
JB345 ME301 ME390 NG221 NG290 NG336 NG390 PD320 |
The details were last updated: 07 February 2025
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