Squadron Operations: Summary Information


There follows below a list of the all of the operations flown by 550 Squadron and the aircraft involved on each. The information used to build this page was taken in the first instance from the lists provided on the original Squadron Association web-site, but has been augmented by new information gathered since that time (squadron operations logs, individual aircrew log books, and other sources).

This information is not yet complete: it has been build from the a number of sources (documentary and people) and compilation of complete lists is an ongoing task that is expected to take quite some time to complete. So please don't shout just yet if you spot an omission - work continues to build a more complete, and accurate, list.
Do however shout if you spot an error! Please email any corrections or information to the contact details in the link at the bottom of the page.

Operation Summary: The column headers should be fairly self-explanatory. The term "aborted" as used here covers a number of possibilities:

Aircraft Deployed: When a link to a particular aircraft is given, this indicates aircraft known to have taken part in this raid (in the records currently available to the web-site author). A record of whether the aircraft returned or failed to return (FTR) is also logged.

Servicemen Deployed: Names of the crew in the operation.

Station Summary: This section is the information from the RAF North Killingholme Station Record Book for the operational date (if available).

Definitions of the abbreviations used are available: here.

Manageable Lists

The amount of data in the database is growing and this is resulting in the "all operations/targets" list getting rapidly bigger and thus slower to generate. There are options to display shorter, more quickly generated, reports if you want to home in on something specific. For example, there are options to generate reports on operations to a single target, or by single aircraft (to all targets) or by single aircraft to a single target. There is, on the database-reports summary page, a short user guide (PDF format) on how to do this.

Operation/Target: Oisemont-Neuville (30 Jun 1944 - 30 Jun 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Oisemont-Neuville 30 Jun 1944 30 Jun 1944 N Nineteen aircraft and crews were offered, accepted and briefed to attack OISEMONT-NEUVILLE yet another lair of the "Doodle Bug". Once again the aircraft took off successfully at 06.00hrs and all returned safely at approximately 09.45hrs. The target was obscured by cloud through which all bombs were released. No opposition from enemy fighters was reported and the Flak was slight and spasmodic. The port outer engine of "D" (F/Lt MacAleavey) cut when the aircraft was setting course over the base, but "Mac" and his crew were determined not to be deprived of a daylight show and carried on, the aircraft making what height it could, and although deprived of certain navigational aids, bombed on a D.R. rim from several thousand feet below the stream, after having reached the target in time. The successful completion of this trip enabled the Squadron once again to chalk up one more 100% effort. Although the Squadron has only operated on fifteen occasions during the month it has certainly been the busiest month so far, due to cancellations and one recall. It is however noteworthy that the Squadron's operational hours far exceeds those of any other month since its formation, as does the tonnage of bombs dropped.
Station Summary
Another daylight operation, this time again the flying bomb site at OISEMONT-NEUVILLE, in the Pas de Calais. 19 a/c. took off and returned safely claiming to have bombed the primary.
Once again our duty crash tender intervened when a "Lightning" crashed, this time at 1330 hours in a field near Habrough Station. Foam was successfully applied and the fire extinguished in quick time. The Americans arrived just after the fire had been put out.
A second night visibility light has now been installed. The cup aneomometer has not yet been fitted, but the Clerk of Works assures us that this will be done shortly.
All civilians employed by AMWD have been fitted with respirators, and a course of lectures in decontamination work has been arranged.
GENERAL (again)
Our ambulance also visited the scene of the crash at HABROUGH. The pilot was dead from multiple injuries and removed to USAAF GOXHILL.
During the month, 550 Squadron has dropped over 1,100 tons of bombs. This figure compares with the round number of 2,000 tons for the whole of the previous 5 months during which the Squadron has been stationed at North Killingholme, and gives some indication of the work put in by flying crew and maintenance and armoury staffs alike. Further statistics of interest dealing with this exceptionally busy period are given in "Summary" No. 44 of 1 July 1944, a copy of which is attached as Appendix "B".
Intensive operations have left little time for camp personnel to savour the delights of the new stage in the Station Gymnasium, which reached completiong by the beginning of the month. The "Gang Show", a RAF concert party produced by Ralph Reader, was unfortunately cancelled. It would have been the first to play the new stage. During the month, however, we have had two Lend-Lease programmes and a first class band show (Bobby Hind and his band), also a Music Lovers' concert. The cinema functioned three times per week as usual and was on the whole well attended. It offers the necessary relaxation to personnel confined to camp by operational requirements. Dances were held on three of the month's four Sundays and were as usual successful.
This month's weather has been very unsettled. Pressure has in general been high to the south or south-west of the British Isles, with depressions and their associated fronts passing over or to the north of the country in an easterly or south-easterly direction. The fronts have been well marked at all times and have given poor conditions in this area. There have been several brief fair intervals between successive depressions, but none has lasted any considerable time. An anti-cyclone to the north-west of the country from the 19th to the 22nd. gave fair conditions in the norh and north-west, but in this area low stratus cloud forming over the North Sea gave very poor conditions during the first three days of that period, the direction of flow of the air stream being north-easterly - off the sea. Thundery conditions were experienced over a large part of England during the last four days of the month, affecting this area on the 27th, 29th and 30th.
Bearing in mind the poor general flying conditions during this eventful month, it is of interest to note that the Squadron operated 15 times during the 30 days.
On the 27 June F/Lt. DRAIMAN, Base Rader Offcer, brought over our first aircraft equipped with H2S. The Squadron will eventually be fully equipped with this device.
During the month, work has proceeded on the installation of a training room for W/Ops Air. It will be laid out as a relica of a Lancaster in respect of the positioning of equipment, and it is hoped that practice will be of assistance in the correction of minor manipulations errors.
The fifth anniversary of the formation of the WAAF was celebrated by a cricket match, WAAF vs. RAF, in the afternoon and a dance in the evening. The RAF won the match left-handed. The dance was a great success, and was attended by the Base Commander accompanied by Squadron Officer ROWAN from Base. A large iced birthday cake sent by RAF ELSHAM was eaten with gusto for tea.
During June 121 new books have been acquired by the Station Library, which now has 726 volumes. During the month 744 books have been issued. The reference library has this month recevied the first contingent of books demanded in April. Together with gifts, these make up a total of 191 volumes. Gifts have been many and greatly appreciated. Individual officers and airmen are responsible for many, and informative pamphlets and books have been sent by Embassies of Belgium, China, Czechoslovakia, Greece and Poland. Every Thursday evening, gramophone concerts have been held. Owing to postings, operations, modifications to aircraft etc. it has not been possible to run regular classes during June. Instead, tutorial mathematics classes have been held twice weekly.
During the month the Officers' and Sergeants' messes have been repainted. The Sergeants' mess ante room has been provided with a double brick fireplace at a cost of £25. A fireplace in the Corporals' games room was constructed by unit labour. No. 6 site was opened for aircrew personnel. It has a cpacity of 210 and will be used exclusively for aircrew NCO's. Much work has been done during the month on road-widening, unit labour being employed throughout. A new road was also built from the main road to the Station Cinema and work commenced on a new MT road, all by unit labour. In order to economise in coal during the summer, a scheme restricting the use of showers has been introduced.
10 June ... F/Lt G FINLAYSON(Stn. Nav.) from ELSHAM.
15 June P/O ... R.C. TILLEY(F/Ctnl) from BINBROOK
20 June ... F/Lt. J.S. BRACKENRIDGE(Dental) from ELSHAM
24 June ... A/S/O M.E. VICKERS(Signals) from ELSHAM
27 June ... A/S/O P BURNSIDE(Int/Ops) from ELSHAM
29 June ... S/Ldr J. Cameron(L.D.A.) from CARNABY
9 June ... S/O M.R. BRITTEN(Int/Ops) to NETHERAVON
20 June ... S/Ldr. J. BRECKELL(Stn. Nav) to HEMSWELL
11 to 17 June ... P/O HILL to HEMSWELL (Armament)
18 to 24 June ... P/O MARCH to HIGHGATE (Intelligence)
21 to 28 June ... F/Lt HOWARD to MELKSHAM (gyro gun sight)
DFC and AFC ... S/Ldr. G.D. GRAHAM
DFC ... F/Lt. A.B. CRAIG
also: ... F/O J.R. HARDING
Despatches ... S/Ldr. G. COOPER
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 14,000 feet at 08.00 hours. Bombed on Gee.

Operation/Target: Pas de Calais (02 Jul 1944 - 02 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Pas de Calais 02 Jul 1944 02 Jul 1944 N The nineteen aircraft and crew offered were accepted for operations. All took off successfully shortly before miday without incident as usual. Eighteen returned at 15.45 hours. "D" (P/O Hussey) returned earlier through engine failure and was sent out to jettison part off the bomb load before landing. The target was the Flying Bomb Site in the Pas de Calais and the weather over the target was good. Most crews brought back enthusiastic reports. Markers were well placed and most of the crews were able to map read their positions to good purposes. The evidence of our own cameras makes it reasonable to suppose that the operation was highly successful. No Luftwaffe opposition was experienced the defence being confined to light flak.
W/Cdr Connolly returned from six days leave and S/L Nicolas proceed on leave on completion of his second tour of operations.
The Squadron was given a definite stand down until the evening of 3rd July which was much appreciated by the boys, who needless to say took full advantage.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 14,000 ft at 14.18 hours. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Dijon (05 Jul 1944 - 05 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Dijon 05 Jul 1944 05 Jul 1944 N Fourteen aircraft and crews offered, were briefed for operations. All the aircraft took off in good time and without incident to bomb a rail centre on the outskirts of DIJON in Eastern France. The weather en route and over the target was good, a full moon with visibility excellent. The markers were punctual and accurate and many crews found visual confirmation in the town layout, the river, canal and marshalling round houses themselves. The bombing, from all accounts, was reasonable concentrated and there was an encouraging red explosion lasting several seconds soon after the attack opened. Good photographs are obtained. Flak was negligible, and no enemy night fighters were encountered.
Two new crews were detailed to carry out cross-country exercises to complete their training in the Squadron prior to becoming operationally efficient.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 6,000 ft at 01.59 hrs. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Dijon (06 Jul 1944 - 06 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Dijon 06 Jul 1944 06 Jul 1944 N Fifteen aircraft and crews were required for operations and were briefed and successfully took off at 19.00hrs to attack another flying bomb site in the Pas de Calais. One aircraft "Q" (F/O Wareham) was bogged down for a short time and it seemed that "Q" would not take-off, but the "A" Flight Commander - F/Lt MacAleavey - came along, leant against the wheel an within five minutes "Q" was airbourne. As on most of these targets, flak was neglligible and no fighters dared to brave the effective Spitfire cover. Excellent photographs were obtained, the bombing was concentrated and the attack once again was successful. The new Squadron Signals Leader, F/O Davidson, joined the Squadron vice [??] F/Lt Tippett who was admitted to R.A.F. Hospital, Rauceby suffering from Pleurisy and is likely to be off the Squadron strength for roughly three months. The weather was excellent so good in fact that it brought out visitors from Group Headquarters. Nine aircraft was required for operations in the morning.
P/O D F Laing, attached from No. 17 S.F.T.S under the Affiliiiation Scheme flew with P/O Shaw in "F", as second pilot.
Station Summary
15 a/c. of 550 Squadron were detailed as part of a force if 100 1 Group Lancasters to attack the flying bomb site at Foret de Croc, in the Pas de Calais. Marking this occasion was done by PFF aircraft. All took off, but one returned without having bombed, and after having made three bombing runs to try to release bombs. The fault was an electrical one and is now under investigation. All our aircraft returned safely.
Senior WAAF Admin. Officers from Group and Base inspected the WAAF MT Drivers' rest room and expressed their satisfaction with it.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Abortive. Made 3 runs over target to release bombs, found no fuses, spare fitted. F/O W F Cox (A/B)
F/O M L Dubois (P)
Sgt H Tulip (F/Eng)
F/O J C Young (Nav)
Sgt H Wood (W/Op)
Sgt R Eves (MU/AG)
Sgt L R R Haynes (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Caen (07 Jul 1944 - 07 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Caen 07 Jul 1944 07 Jul 1944 N The nine aircraft and crews who originally were briefed at 10.00hrs and later stood by for late afternoon operations for which a further nine crews were added and all briefed ay 17.30hrs. The eigthteen [Ed: hand-written note states 17] aircraft successfully took off at 19.30hrs to attack the town of CAEN in co-operation with the Allied armies in France. The attack was highly successful and thoroughly enjoyed by all members of the air-crews who participated in the strafe. A congratulatory message by signal was received on the Station as the crews were touching down. "From 2nd Army: - the heavy bomber attack which has just taken place was a wonderfully impressive show. The second Army would like their appreciation passed to all crews. Flak appeared to be intense at the beginning of the attack but died down during the attack". Later a further note of appreciation was struck by our receipt of the following message for all crew concerned in the operation: It was passed to our C in C by the AOC of TAF Group and reads: "The effort of your chaps we witnessed over Caen tonight made us all feel very proud to belong to the RAF".
Station Summary
After very hectice preparations and planning, 18 a/c. of 550 Squadron took off this evening to participate in a close-support operation mounted by Bomber Command. 291 heavies, including 193 1 Group Lancasters, were detailed to bomb an aiming point in the northern half of Caen, where the British 2nd Army is meeting stiff resistance in its efforts to drive through the town. All out aircraft, bombing at heights of from 4,000 to 7,500 feet, accomplished the mission successfully, and our crews were very pleased with a message waiting for them when they returned to interrogation. It came from the British 2nd Army and read:
"The heavy bomber attack which has just taken place was a wonderfully impressive show. The 2nd Army would like their appreciation passed on to all crews. Flak appeared to be intense at the beginning of the attack but died down during the attack."
Further messages of appreciation included one from the ACC of the 2nd RAF Group (operating from Normandy) which reached all Squadrons taking part in the attack. It read:
"The effort of your chaps we witnessed over Caen tonight made us all feel very proud to belong to the RAF".
The fitting of H2S apparatus on the Squadron's aircraft is now well under way. The H2S trainer has also been installed and F/Lt. GARDINER, H2S training officer, has arrived to take up temporary training duties.
As a result of the incident dealt with in Station Narrative No. 6 (copy attached as Appendix A), P/O Taylor has been awarded an immediate DFC .
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 8,000 ft at 22.02 hrs. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Revigny (12 Jul 1944 - 12 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Revigny 12 Jul 1944 12 Jul 1944 N Nineteen aircraft and crews were offered accepted and briefed for operations. All took off at 21.15hrs without incident to bomb Marshalling Yards at REVIGNY in Eastern France. The weather over the target was bad, which precluded accurate marking or visual identification on the target. Recco flares having failed to lighten the darkness, the Master of Ceremonies, for whose instructions our crews were waiting, felt obliged to call the party off. The gunners of one of our crews, P/O Bell and F/S Teasdale, Mid-Upper and Rear Gunners respectively of "C" (Sgt Town) accepted a challenge from an enemy fighter and claim to have shot it down in flames and to have seen it hit the deck. Two of our crews P/O Boocock and P/O Davies failed to return. Owing to bad weather conditions all the Squadron aircraft landed at ten different airfields in the Norfolk and Suffolk areas, one crash landed at Wattisham, and another crew abandoned their aircraft, all members making successful parachute descents. A signal was received from the Air Ministry stating that Sergeant J G Pearce has arrived in the UK. This N.C.O is one of three ordered to bale out whilst over enemy occupied territory when F/S Lloyd's aircraft got into difficulties whilst returning from Mailly on the 4th May.
Station Summary
As part of a 1 Group force of 100 a/c., 19 were detailed from 550 Squadron to attach marshalling yards at REVIGNY in easter France. Cloud conditions prevented adequte marking and only 8 of our a/c. bombed, the remainder bringing their bombs back in accordance with the instructions of the Master Bomber. Two of our a/c. were missing on this operation, C (P/O BOOCOCK) and S (P/O Davies). This was a night operation. On return our a/c. were diverted to stations in Norfolk, where one crash-landed. Another (G, P/O LORD) had insufficient fuel to put down in the very poor prevailing visibility and its crew baled out without injury.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 5,000 ft at 02.02 hrs. Bombed TIY, landed Downham Market. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Revigny (14 Jul 1944 - 14 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Revigny 14 Jul 1944 14 Jul 1944 N Eleven aircraft and crews only were required for operations. The crews were briefed and took off to bomb REVIGNY Marshalling Yards. As was the case on our last visit to this target two nights previously it was again found impossible to mark the target with sufficient accuracy to ensure the desired results. Our aircraft received instructions to return to Base with their bombs. Opposition from the ground defences was reported as being negligible, there there appears to have been considerable activity by the Luftwaffe. W/O Ansell in "D" was attached unsuccessfully by a rocket firing fighter whose fire was returned, but no strikes were claimed by our gunners. No printable photographs were obtained. Wing Commander Connolly and crew, which included the Gunnery Leader Flight Lieutenant K.W.L. Fuller D.F.C failed to return to base. Wing Commander Connolly, during his comparatively short time with the Squadron proved hmself to be a leader of men, a man of understanding, and was liked by all with whom he came into close contact. The Squadron has lost not only an efficient Commander, but a very gallant Gentleman.
Station Summary
11 a/c. of 550 Squadron took off on a night operation as part of a 1 Group force of 105 a/c. to have another try at the marshalling yards in Revigny. Conditions were similar to those two nights ago, and once again the main force were ordered to come home with their bombs. 1 of our a/c. claims to have bombed the target. Another chose an airfield as a last restort target, and Q (W/Cdr. CONNOLLY) was missing on this operation. In spite of very good vis. at home, our a/c were again diverted.
Two long delay bombs which dropped when being loaded today on a/c K due to a defective winch brake were earmarked for destruction.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Ordered not to bomb. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Caen (18 Jul 1944 - 18 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Caen 18 Jul 1944 18 Jul 1944 N The eighteen aircraft warned yesterday were detailed to attack military strong points in the Caen area in support of the military plans to break through. The Squadron's aiming point was the village of SANNERVILLE where the enermy had concentrations of mortars, long range guns, anti-tank guns, A.A. units, Transport and reserve personnel. Our aircraft arrived over the target just before sunrise at 05.45 hours. Conditions were ideal, visibility being excellent. The markers which were easy to identify in the light of dawn were punctual and accurate with the exception of one dropped 100 yards south. Bombing concentrations weer excellent. Flak was negligible at first but on leaving the target, accurate predicated flak was encountered. The only fighters seen were those of the Spitfire cover. All our crews arrived back safely in time for breakfast feeling highly satisfied with their mornings work.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 7,000 feet at 05.52 hours. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Scholven-Buer (19 Jul 1944 - 19 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Scholven-Buer 19 Jul 1944 19 Jul 1944 N The sixteen aircraft which were offered and accepted were briefed to carry out attacks on the largest synthetic oil plant in the Ruhr, situated at SCHOLVEN-BUER near GELSENKIRCHEN. The aircraft took off without incident carrying a nice load of "cookies". Weather over the target was clear, though industrial haze prevented pinpointing. Bomb Aimers were presetned with an accurately and punctually marked target, and most crews spoke of a close concentration round the markers which were clearly seen. Results were immediate and unmistakable, several outsize explosions were seen and black oily smoke is reported to have reached a height of 16,000 ft and as was expected good photographs were obtained. Ground opposition was more intense than at recent targets and although there were several sigthings of enemy fighters, none of our crews reported combats. The Wireless Operator of "G" (P/O Hussey) sustained a fractured arm as a result of shapnel received whilst over the target. With the exception of one, "M" (F/O Clark) all the aircraft returned to Base. This aircraft was twice hit by Flak on its bombing run rendering its Port Outer engine unserviceable and after bombing the markers, the Port Inner has to be feathered when it caught fire. On the homeward track whilst over the North Sea the Starboard Inner Engine gave out, leaving only one engine serviceable and this was running hot. The crew decided to try to make for an English airfield, but when the coast had been crossed a lot of height was lost and the Captain ordered the crew to bale out. After holding the aircraft on an even keel to allow the crew to bale out, it is presumed that the aircraft was too low for the Captain to follow and in trying to land the aircraft hit overhead cables and crashed, the Pilot crashing with his aircraft and losing his life. His crew landed near Seething in Norfolk.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 19,000 ft at 01.30 1/2 hrs. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Wizernes (20 Jul 1944 - 20 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Wizernes 20 Jul 1944 20 Jul 1944 N Nineteen aircraft andcrews were offered, accepted and briefed for an early evening attach on a target in WIZENEF [Ed. - assumed incorrect spelling, and Wizernes or Wizemes(?) V-bomb site is intended.]. All the aircraft took off successfully in good style and all reached the target which was bombed with the usual precision. Flak opposition at the target was negligible and the only fighters to be seen were, once again, Spitfires. All our aircraft returned safely to base bringing back good photographs.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 14,000 ft at 21.03 hrs

[Ed: ORB states ME582 "P". This cannot be correct, as ME582 "E" FTR 25/26 Feb 44 with the loss of the Sgt C Tattersall crew. So ME583 assumed, since it is listed as "P" on the preceding day operation.]
P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Cahagnes (30 Jul 1944 - 30 Jul 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Cahagnes 30 Jul 1944 30 Jul 1944 N The fourteen aircraft and crews which had been accepted for operations were detailed to attach targets behind enemy lines at CAHAGNES in Normandy. All crew members were in high spirits delighted at being able to go on another daylight strafe, and on this mission the Squadron was led by Squadron Commander W/Cdr Sisley. After attacking the target successfully the boys carried out some daring ground straffing from a height of 100 feet, shooting up tanks, rolling stock, and Huns. In fact anything they thought to be of military value to the enemy. No fighters were encountered and flak was negligible.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 2,300 ft at 08.38 hrs.

[Squadron CO W/Cdr Sisley pilot]
W/Cdr A F M Sisley (P)
Sgt S Leary (F/Eng)
F/Sgt C Stoddard (Nav)
F/Sgt K R S Scholefield (A/B)
Sgt L W Guthrie (W/Op)
Sgt J Wright (MU/AG)
Sgt V S B Scoble (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Le Havre (01 Aug 1944 - 02 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Le Havre 01 Aug 1944 02 Aug 1944 N Yesterday evening the fourteen aircraft which had been offer an accepted took off at about 18.15hrs to attack the dock installations at LE HAVRE. The compact dock area was unmistakably clear to the Bomb Aimers and pin-pointing was even easier than on the dusk operation six weeks ago. The fighter cover prevented any molestation by the Luftwaffe though ground opposition was spirited at most stages of the attack, and "P" (S/L MacAleavey) was slightly damaged by Flak which varied during the attack from slight to intense. The photographs obtained were some of the best ever achieved and all were easily plottable. One of our crews reports that a "U" boat was seen to received a direct hit causing it to settle at an angle in the water. In addition to the operational sorties one of our new crews carried out a cross country in a "Y" aircraft, having with them as instructors F/L Gardiner.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 13,000 ft at 20.03 hrs. S/L K MacAleavey (Nav)
F/O S C Beeson (P)
Sgt K J R Hewlett (F/Eng)
F/Sgt F Neal (A/B)
Sgt J K Norgate (W/Op)
Sgt H S Picton (MU/AG)
Sgt J A Trayhorn (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Belle Croix les Bruyers (02 Aug 1944 - 02 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Belle Croix les Bruyers 02 Aug 1944 02 Aug 1944 N Once again an evening attack and fifteen aircraft and crews were offered but only eleven required. The crews were briefed to attack military objectives at BELLE CROIX LES BRUYERS, this the Squadron's second daylight sortie in as many days was very disappointing to the boys, as owning to 10/10 cloud it was not possible to attack with sufficient accuracy and the Master Bomber called the party off. A further fifteen aircraft and crews were required for operations during the afternoon but were informed that it would again be an evening attack.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Abortive 10/10 cloud, mission abandoned on instructions of Master Bomber F/Sgt T T Savas (A/B)
F/Sgt G B Smith (P)
Sgt V J Williams (F/Eng)
Sgt M L Tretheway (Nav)
F/O W K Mills (W/Op)
Sgt C J Cassan (MU/AG)
Sgt R G Colban (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Trossy St Maximim (03 Aug 1944 - 03 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Trossy St Maximim 03 Aug 1944 03 Aug 1944 N Shortly before lunch a striking force of twelve aircraft took off in as a many minutes to attached a Flying Bomb site at TROSSY ST MAXIMIM, the Squadron being led by the Station Commander Group Captain McIntyre D.F.C and all the aircraft carried 15,000 lbs of H.E. which is a new record load devised by the Armoury. No fighters were seen over the Channel but covering Spitfires were well in evidence on reaching the French Coast. Accurate bursts of Flak were encountered during the trip and "V" (F/O Fauman) came back with a small shrapnel hole in the fuselage. Low cloud persisted over France but there were many large gaps, through which craters would be seen, evidence of previous attacks on other Bomb Sites.
Our 12 aircraft released there 80 tons of bombs within 1 1/2 minutres and most of the photographs confirm that a very large proportion of the bombs landed "plumb on" the target. The particularly fine photograph of "F" (P/O Shaw) was enlarged and forwarded to the C in C and shows the dense profusion of bursts 2 minutes after the attack opened.

[Ed. This attack takes places "before lunch" (although the times indicate post-14:15 hours take-offs). Whereas the earlier pages in the ORB for this date of 3rd August 1944 take place in the evening (taking off 1900 hours and later).]
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 12000 feet at 14.16 1/2 hours. F/O L N B Cann (P)
Sgt C Shaw (F/Eng)
Sgt R V Fisher (Nav)
Sgt N I E Ostrom (A/B)
F/Sgt J Lyons (W/Op)
F/O H Yates (MU/AG)
Sgt J L R Remilard (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Le Havre (03 Aug 1944 - 03 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Le Havre 03 Aug 1944 03 Aug 1944 N The fifteen aircraft took off again without incident to attack targets in the port area of LE HAVRE, as in spite of the previous concentrated bombing the "U" boat seen before seems to have borne a charmed life and had apparantly been towed to another part of the docks and this with other shipping was our target. The fifteen aircraft, after climbing through cloud had a perfect run down over England in blazing sunshine. Weather at Le Havre was clear and with good visiblity and all the Bomb Aimers were able to identify the aiming point visually. Very good bombing was accomplished on this raid and the good photographs brought back confirm this. No enemy fighters were seen and the only fly in the ointment was accurate flak which was not so intense as during the previous raid. A burst uncomfortably near made several sears on "K" (F/O Steele) but the Pin up girl on the aircraft was unmarked.
All our aircraft returned safely and touched down in the neighbourhood of 20.30 hours just in t ime for the crews to receive some well earned refreshment.
When the aircraft had been evacuated by the crews they were taken over by the hard working ground staff who worked far into the night and in some cases all through the night, to service and bomb up once again.

Shortly before lunch a striking force of twelve aircraft took off in as a many minutes to attached a Flying Bomb site at TROSSY ST MAXIMIM, the Squadron being led by the Station Commander Group Captain McIntyre D.F.C and all the aircraft carried 15,000 lbs of H.E. which is a new record load devised by the Armoury. No fighters were seen over the Channel but covering Spitfires were well in evidence on reaching the French Coast. Accurate bursts of Flak were encountered during the trip and "V" (F/O Fauman) came back with a small shrapnel hole in the fuselage. Low cloud persisted over France but there were many large gaps, through which craters would be seen, evidence of previous attacks on other Bomb Sites.
Our 12 aircraft released there 80 tons of bombs within 1 1/2 minutres and most of the photographs confirm that a very large proportion of the bombs landed "plumb on" the target. The particularly fine photograph of "F" (P/O Shaw was enlarged and forwarded to the C in C and shows the dense profusion of bursts 2 minutes after the attack opened.

[Ed. This attack takes places in the evening (taking off 1900 hours and later). Whereas the later pages in the ORB for this date of 3rd August 1944 take place, somewhat confusingly, "before lunch". ca. 1400 hours onwards.]
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 13,000 ft at 19.05 hrs. F/O L N B Cann (P)
Sgt C Shaw (F/Eng)
Sgt R V Fisher (Nav)
Sgt N I E Ostrom (A/B)
F/Sgt J Lyons (W/Op)
F/O H Yates (MU/AG)
Sgt J L R Remilard (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Pauillac (04 Aug 1944 - 04 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Pauillac 04 Aug 1944 04 Aug 1944 N Twelve aircraft were offered and accepted and briefed to attack oil stores at PAUILLAC near Bordeaux where lies stores of oil for the enemy's "U" and "E" boats, the Squadron this time being lead by the Squadron Commander, Wing Commander Sisley. One aircraft "R" returned early due to engine trouble, and the remaining eleven completed one of the most delectable pieces of cake which has ever come the way of our maids of all work. Provided with fighter cover, our crews found no opposition in their long journey. The weather over the target was clear with some ground haze and the markers which most crews bombed visually went down puntually and on the bullseye. The pinpointing was somewhat hampered in the latter stages by a pall of oily smoke which rose to over 8,000 ft and the Master Bomber raised the bombing height for later arrivals to avoid the smoke.
News was received that F/O Taylor has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his trip on the 7th July when his aircraft was hit by bombs over Caen.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 8,000 ft at 18.06 hrs.

[Squadron CO W/Cdr Sisley pilot]

[Ed: The ORB states ME385 "P", but there is no other occurrence of this service number/call-code combination in the list of aircraft with the squadron. ME583 "P" is on several other ORB pages. This therefore appears to be an error/typo here and ME583 is assumed correct.]
W/Cdr A F M Sisley (P)
F/Sgt J Hough (P)
Sgt H Hindle (F/Eng)
Sgt A W Tucker (Nav)
F/Sgt E Moody (A/B)
F/Sgt J B Lake (W/Op)
Sgt G A Thomson (MU/AG)
Sgt E J Walsh (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Pauillac (05 Aug 1944 - 05 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Pauillac 05 Aug 1944 05 Aug 1944 N Fourteen aircraft and crews were required, provided and briefed to attack oil depots at PAUILLAC a few miles south of the previous days attack.
All of the aircraft took off successfully with most of the crews in their shirt sleeves. Formation flying which has been practiced by the Squadron stood them in good stead and all the aircraft kept togther as far as the target, with S/L Redmond's section all the way home as well. The weather at the target was cloudy but the markers were accurately placed and all our aircraft planted their bombs on and around the aiming point. A huge fire was soon started and gradually enveloped the whole target with a particularly large explosion occurring at 19.10 hours. Excellent photographs were obtained by our crews and P.R.U. whol following close on their heels reported that severe damage was done in the attack.
The route and target was trouble free from Flak and fighters while our fighter cover was comfortingly noticeable. All our aircraft returned safely though owing to fog conditions at base all landed at Sandtoft, with the exception of "H" which landed at Skellingthorpe.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 8,000 ft at 19.08 hrs. F/L N L Rose (P)
Sgt K L Willis (F/Eng)
F/O R C Foote (Nav)
F/O E G Caswell (A/B)
Sgt G W Page (W/Op)
F/O J S Tointon (MU/AG)
Sgt G S Spragg (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Duigny (10 Aug 1944 - 10 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Duigny 10 Aug 1944 10 Aug 1944 N Twenty aircraft were offered, accepted and briefed for operations again an oil storage depot at DUIGNY. The target was reached and bombed in clear weather, which was heavily defended by accurate predicted Flak, which scarred several of our aircraft and caused two slight casualties F/O Dubois "H" was hit in the neck by shrapnel and in spite of severe pain and loss of blood safely brought the aircraft back to base. F/S Francis (A/B of "V") also sustained a slight wound in his leg whilst over the target. F/O Shaw "F" when outward bound lost the use of one of his engines and reached the target about 9,000 ft below the bomber stream. He successfully bombed his target and was escorted home by five Spitfires. "F" attracted the attention of numberous Flak batteries but reached base safely. Photographs were once again of excellent quality.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 15,000 ft at 12.06 hrs.

[Ed: Sgt R Finlay listed as flying F/Eng, and also in W5005! Cannot be in both!]
F/O H G Manley (P)
Sgt D R Hughes (F/Eng)
F/O R G George (Nav)
F/Sgt R Hill (A/B)
F/O G T Brown (W/Op)
Sgt G B Ward (MU/AG)
P/O J K McDonald (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Falaise (13 Aug 1944 - 13 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Falaise 13 Aug 1944 13 Aug 1944 N Five aircraft were required for an attack on enemy troop positions at FALAISE. Weather at the target was thin cloud through which markers and bomb bursts could be seen together with two or three excellent orange explosions. Flak at the target was moderate but no enemy fighters were seen and our aircraft reported an uneventful trip.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 8,500 ft at 02.19 hrs. F/O L B Cameron (P)
P/O J R Rigby (Nav)
Sgt D Eldridge (F/Eng)
F/Sgt J W White (W/Op)
Sgt J F Piertney (MU/AG)
Sgt F P Popple (R/AG)
F/O E G Caswell (A/B)

Operation/Target: Fontaine le Pain (14 Aug 1944 - 14 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Fontaine le Pain 14 Aug 1944 14 Aug 1944 N Nineteen aircraft and crews were offered and accepted but the number required was later reduced to fourteen and all took off to attack targets at FONTAINE LE PAIN in support of the Allied armies. Clear weather over the target area was marred by smoke from the battle area which also obscured the markers for some of our crews in spite of the low level attack which was made. Map reading was hampered by the numerous criss crossing of the tracks of the amoured vehicles, but all of our aircraft found and bombed their target. All our aircraft returned with the exception of "V" (F/S Hough) which crashed near Wansford all the members of the crew losing their lives.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 3,000 feet at 15.32 hours.

[Ed. Sgt Purser listed as flying with his std crew (F/O Vaughan), also listed as flying with P/O Stevenson (PD225). Cannot be in two places at once. This entry assumed correct.
P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Le Coulot (15 Aug 1944 - 15 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Le Coulot 15 Aug 1944 15 Aug 1944 N Eighteen aircraft and crews were again offered for operations, seventeen finally taking off to attack a Luftwaffe night fighter base ay LE COULOT near Louvain in Belgium which is the most distant daylight target so far tackled. Good weather prevailed and all the aircraft identified the spot without difficulty and gave it its desserts. The runways were pleatered and the and the technical and administrative buildings got their share of a very successful prang. Flak was dispirited in most stages of the attack but the only fighters seen were those of our own cover. Good photographs were once again obtained.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 16,000 feet at 12.02 1/2 hours. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Stettin (17 Aug 1944 - 17 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Stettin 17 Aug 1944 17 Aug 1944 N The fourteen aircraft and crews which had been accepted and briefed to attack targets at STETTIN which was the first time this month the Squadron went to Germany by night. Weather at the target had been 10/10 cloud in layers up to 17,000 feet prior to the attack commencing. But several crews report clear patches just before reaching the city. There were two main fire areas which were seen by our crews when several miles on the homeward journey.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 16,000 feet at 01.11 hours. P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Ghent Terneuzen (19 Aug 1944 - 20 Aug 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Ghent Terneuzen 19 Aug 1944 20 Aug 1944 N Just before "The Lone Ranger" touched down the remaining thirteen aircraft had taken off on yet another oil raid. This time to GHENT TERNEUZEN in Belgium. Weather over the target was clear and most of our crews identified the markers easily and there is very indication that they did their job well. Once again the Luftwaffe did not interfere and flak at the target was described as nil to negligible, and all our aircraft once again returned to base.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned 10,000 ft at 00.07 1/2hrs P/O H S Vaughan (P)
Sgt R W Metcalfe (F/Eng)
P/O L C Davies (Nav)
F/Sgt D Porter (A/B)
Sgt T Elliott (W/Op)
Sgt W J Watson (MU/AG)
Sgt L D Purser (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Le Havre (06 Sep 1944 - 07 Sep 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Le Havre 06 Sep 1944 07 Sep 1944 N 15 aircraft and crews were detailed once again to attack troop concentrations to the north east of the town of LE HAVRE where Hun suicide regiments were still holding out and who had not felt the weight of our bombs the evening before. The aircraft took off to time in usual 550 Squadron style. "J" F/O Rose returned early owing to RAE compressor being unserviceable. The weather enroute was fairly good with 10/10 thin cloud at the target, this did not however prevent our bomb aimers from clearly identifying the aiming point.
Station Summary
Once agan No. 550 Squadron took part in a daylight attack on LE HAVRE. Fifteen aircraft took off as part of a Command force of 290. 1 abandoned its mission due to a U/S bombsite. All returned safely to Base.
M.T. Fitters sent on 2 weeks tyre course.
Snow plough collected in readiness for coming Winter.
Lecture given by S/Ldr Cameron [Ed: of the R.A.F. Regiment] on "Prisoners of War" proved of great interest, being well attended by both the WAAF and Airmen.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 7000 ft at 09:26 hrs. P/O A D Young (P)
Sgt J Hill (F/Eng)
F/O P J Singer (Nav)
Sgt C R S Daniels (A/B)
F/Sgt J W Pidcock (W/Op)
Sgt C Hillsdon (MU/AG)
Sgt E Thompson (R/AG)

Operation/Target: Le Havre (10 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944)

Operation Summary
Target Out Back Aborted
(Y / N)
Le Havre 10 Sep 1944 10 Sep 1944 N 17 aircraft and crews were detailed to attack the German garrison at LE HAVRE in close support of the Allied 1st Canadian Army. On the much pasted perimeter, within view of our own troops who were only two miles off, eigth separate areas were to be blasted by over 5000 tons of HE. Each of the 17 aircraft that took off returned to Base with photographs which together add up to a pictorial record, never before equalled. Ten aiming points were obtained and of the others not one is more than 700yards from the Bullseye, and the two line overlaps show a perfact straddle of the objective. The weather was excellent and opposition from the ground and air was nil. The result of this attack is considered to have been highly successful and to confirm our enthusiasm the following signal has been received substantiting out verdict: Quote:
From Lt/General Crerar, 1st Canadian Army ... "Heavy bombers did absolutely first class job and contributed greatly to fine attack by British formation of Canadian Army."
From GOC 1st British Corps ... "All ranks unanimous in praise of absolute accuracy of bombing and timing on every occasion. On 10 September all targets were covered just as we wanted them. Prisioners testify to its accuracy. On behalf of all ranks I wish to thank you for your whole-hearted co-operation and would much appreciate if all crews taking part could be told of admiration, appreciation and gratitude of us all."
Station Summary
Seventeen aircraft took off as part of a force of 200 heavies from Command to blitz German strongholds at LE HAVRE once again. This was a very successful attack, particularly for No. 550 Squadron which obtained 10 aiming point photographs - a squadron record. The attack took place in conditions of clear visibility and subsequently proved to be the very substantial last straw which broke the German garrison's back at this Channel port.
Flying Control report record landing and take-off. 17 aircraft airbourne in 16 minutes and 14 aircraft landed in 12 minutes.
Signals Section report the fitting of Y equipment to the Squadron Aircraft almost complete and Y training programme is now in full swing showing good results.
Aircraft Deployed Servicemen Deployed
Aircraft Service Number Returned
or FTR
Comments Crew Details
ME583 Returned Primary 10,000 ft at 18.58 hrs. F/O A Abrams (P)
Sgt K W Nettleton (F/Eng)
F/Sgt J W Brown (Nav)
F/Sgt R F Veness (A/B)
Sgt P L Brooker (W/Op)
Sgt A P Soper (MU/AG)
F/Sgt K R Salton (R/AG)

Summary Statistics

Based on the data in the lists displayed above, and keeping in mind that data is still being updated and thus not yet complete, the following statistics are generated:

Aircraft Deployment Statistics

Aircraft deployments 25
MAX Aircraft deployed
in single operation
(Oisemont-Neuville, 30 Jun 1944)

These details were last updated: 07 February 2025


this list is still being built and will take some time to complete
what is currently displayed is believed accurate but much more is still to be added

This note describes the options currently available to produce a smaller, more manageable list and also describes planned future enhancements to the reporting facility.

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